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The Balance: mental health and rehabilitation in a luxury spa on Mallorca

Yacht The Balance

Finding the perfect balance between an advanced medical environment and a warm and welcoming setting can be complex. The Balance, located on the island of Mallorca, has succeeded in marrying in-depth medical care with a personalized welcome in a luxury Mallorcan finca-style residence . Specially dedicated to the treatment of disorders such as depression, instability, bipolar behavior or addiction, this facility offers exclusive support by healthcare professionals.

Villa majorque The Balance
The Balance private villa on Mallorca (Photo: The Balance)

The Balance: A soothing retreat in a comforting natural setting

The founder’s inspiring story

It’s not always easy to find the right balance. Between highly advanced but not very comforting 100% medicalized environments, and more holistic but less advanced centers, the choice is difficult. However, a few establishments have succeeded in achieving asubtle alchemy between serious, ongoing, in-depth medical care and a warm, reassuring, familiar environment. That’s what you’ll find at The Balance on the island of Majorca. At this luxury rehabilitation center, you’ll be cared for by a host of healthcare professionals, in a magnificent residence surrounded by nature.

Nestled in the peaceful rural district of Llucmajor on Mallorca, The Balance Retreat offers a luxurious experience surrounded by breathtaking nature. Founded by Abdullah Boulad, who himself overcame burnout, the center emerged after a period of personal reflection and research into rehabilitation. Faced with major health challenges, the founder of The Balance decided at the time to take control of his life. Attracted by the perfect blend of sunshine, natural beauty and a “healing energy environment”, his quest led him to Mallorca some time later. And so, The Balance opened its doors in Llucmajor, offering not only a luxurious retreat, but also a setting steeped in personal history and healing.

The Balance treatments
Tailor-made treatments (Photo: The Balance)

The Balance philosophy: One customer at a time

This is one of the promises of this center, which also has branches in Zurich, London and New York. A single client is welcomed for total 24/7 care by therapists, psychiatrists and holistic health professionals for a minimum of 4 weeks. The Balance is committed to providing comprehensive, personalized support to promote the mental and physical well-being of its residents. Confidentiality, availability, professionalism and exclusivity are our watchwords.

The Balance, are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for a range of mental health issues (anxiety, burnout, depression, bipolarity, OCD, etc.). The team of qualified professionals also offers specialized support for addiction problems, whether involving alcohol, drugs or other addictive behaviors. Beyond that, their holistic approach also extends to eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, compulsive hyperphagia, orthorexia…). Finally, they also address chronic disorders such as sleep problems, chronic pain, adrenal fatigue, psychosomatic illnesses and even complex diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

The Balance: Your 5-star residence just for you

Three fincas, a waterfront residence and a luxury yacht are just some of the properties available for your Majorca spa treatment. Each location has the facilities to accommodate your massages, treatments, yoga or sports classes.

Private villa The Balance
Private villa (Photo: The Balance)

Abdullah Boulad attaches particular importance to the integration of the environment and the quality of care provided. In his view, purely “medical” treatments can only be as effective if they are delivered in a reassuring, soothing environment, conducive to rest and relaxation. He believes that contact with nature is essential for reconnecting with oneself, and the Mallorcan countryside offers an ideal setting for this.

Exceptional 24/7 service (Photo: The Balance)

To perfect your comfort and care, a dedicated manager will be on hand 24/7 to answer all your queries and facilitate your interactions with the team. What’s more, you’ll benefit from your own personal chef , who will create daily menus tailored to your preferences and the care you receive. All your needs, essential to your well-being during your cure, will be met. That’s the guarantee offered by The Balance, who are delighted to accompany top executives and celebrities in complete discretion. The exceptional is at your service.

Wellness at The Balance: an integrative approach to complexity

Psychological, emotional, behavioral and addiction-related disorders are complex human mechanisms. That’s why, for The Balance, it’s imperative to adopt a “360°” approach, i.e. a global approach. This holistic approach is based on the conviction that our lives are a reflection of our inner world. From this perspective, the body reflects the mind, and vice versa.

Professional support The Balance
Care by qualified healthcare professionals (Photo: The Balance)

A positive outlook and a holistic approach to your health

The weight of stress, unhappiness and negativity can leave a significant mark on physical and mental health. At The Balance, the therapeutic approach aims to explore and transform your beliefs and negative thought patterns that alter your perception of the world. The constant encouragement is to take life as a series of opportunities, whether positive or negative. The aim is to foster an open and constructive outlook, even in the face of the most difficult challenges.

Rehabilitation at The Balance is based on an integrative approach that combines the patented ” Biochemical Restoration BCR ” method, therapeutic interviews conducted in collaboration with a professional, and the use of holistic therapy techniques such asequitherapy,EMDR or ” Somatic Experiencing ” therapy. This process of transformation also encompasses the care you give yourself at every moment, including rest and relaxation. It is through this synergy that your rehabilitation takes shape, promoting a holistic approach to your physical and psychological well-being.

A team of qualified professionals

The team at The Balance is made up of avariety of professionals whose skills are focused on your rehabilitation. During your fully personalized stay, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with psychiatrists, doctors, psychologists, therapists and addiction specialists. But also art therapy practitioners, yoga experts, massage therapists, acupuncturists and lymphatic drainage practitioners. Or sports coaches, nutritionists and micro-nutritionists. Each will make a specific contribution to your well-being, contributing to a holistic, individualized approach to your recovery.

The Balance coaches
Qualified coaches at your service (Photo: The Balance)

A rehabilitation trip that allows you to take your time, followed by after-care support

Opting for a treatment at The Balance means committing to aminimum 4-week trip tothe rehab center. After in-depth discussions with the professionals, you’ll settle into one of the houses or yachts allocated to the cures. During these 4 weeks, you’ll benefit from comprehensive care dedicated to your rehabilitation. At the end of this period of care, the family environment is invited to take part in work and care sessions with the patient, ensuring a smooth transition post-cure.

The Balance full frame
A complete frame (Photo: The Balance)

Approximately two weeks after you leave the spa, the support team assesses your return to everyday life, evaluating both successes and difficulties, to determine whether further care is required. The family environment is also consulted to obtain a global view of the patient’s condition. This long-term, holistic approach guarantees the success of The Balance cures. It is of paramount importance both for the care team and for the success of the healing process. The aim is to treat body, mind and behavior, accompanying the patient and his or her immediate environment in an authentic approach to care.

Cutting-edge holistic therapies

We may have used terms that are new to you so far! As an avant-garde center, The Balance is at the cutting edge of the techniques available today to accompany patients on the road to recovery.

Advanced technologies The Balance
Cutting-edge technology (Photo: The Balance)

BCR® Biochemical Restoration

The Balance uses the BCR® Biochemical Restoration method – a Swiss innovation that rebalances body and brain biochemistry. Biochemical factors shape an individual’s personality, behavior, mental health, immune function and allergic tendencies. The balance between these factors is called homeostasis.

On arrival at The Balance, each individual is given a check-up to determine the presence or absence (and type) of biochemical imbalance. Doctors combine laboratory test results with anamnestic information about the patient’s psychology, as well as clinical tests. On this basis, an individualized nutritional protocol is prescribed to support patients in their recovery.


Neurofeedback, also known as electroencephalography (EEG) biofeedback, exploits the brain’s neuroplasticity through a reward-based training system, without the use of drugs. It conditions the brain to identify and rectify undesirable brainwave patterns, or replace them with a balanced, beneficial pattern of brain activity. This specialized biofeedback treatment aims to train and manage the brain’s electrochemical processes. EEG measures brain activity on the surface of the scalp using electrodes and sensors, reflecting this activity in brainwaves. The patient learns to distinguish between desired and undesired brainwaves through auditory and/or visual cues, thus promoting the production of beneficial brainwaves and reducing those that provoke harmful emotions. A balanced waveform, representing healthy biochemical brain homeostasis, is indicated by a positive response, such as a pleasant tone on neurofeedback devices.

Neurofeedback The Balance
Neurofeedback (Photo: The Balance)

Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Somatic therapy, also known as somatic experience, integrates the brain, mind and body into a therapeutic healing practice. By focusing on the body, this approach aims to relieve the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health problems, by establishing a harmonious connection between mind and body.

Often, individuals ignore the innate mechanisms of the neurological fight-or-flight response system, feeling powerless and confronted with obsessive thoughts, judgments and phobias. Somatic Experiencing aims to help people overcome a point of “frustration” in dealing with a traumatic incident.

The Balance: nutrition and health at the heart of the program

Balancing the intestinal microbiota is an integral part of the rehabilitation program. This organ, now considered the second brain, is known to have an impact on mental health, food intolerances, depressive states and even the development of autoimmune diseases.

Healthy nutrition The Balance
Healthy, balanced nutrition tailored to your needs (Photo: The Balance)

In The Balance’s treatment protocols, nutrition is a strong link in the healing process. Eating the right foods at the right time is essential for optimum health. That’s why meal plans are custom-designed in collaboration with the resident chef. They are carefully adapted to your specific needs, taking into account your preferences and appetites. There’s no recovery without pleasure, and patients discover how a healthy diet can help them regain a state of total well-being.

Accompaniment right down to the plate (Photo: The Balance)



Take advantage of our expertise in wellness breaks and contact us for a personalized quote for THE BALANCE.

Prices : From €88,000 for two weeks of detox + two weeks of aftercare, or €158,000 for 4 weeks of residential treatment.

Call us for the USA on +1 (646) 980 6652 or for the UK on +44 20 4577 3258

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