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Meet the expert in anti-aging medicine at SHA Wellness Clinic: Dr Vicente Mera

Luxe Wellness Club Travel Designer Ambre Vénissac’s stay at the Sha Wellness Clinic was punctuated by privileged consultations and appointments with the clinic’s specialists and eminent doctors, to give you the keys to understanding the Sha methodology. One of the highlights of her stay was her discussion of healthy-ageing issues with expert Dr Vicente Mera.

Aging well is at the heart of Sha Wellness Clinic‘s philosophy, echoing the notion of optimization, to live better, healthier and longer. Whether you choose a healthy-ageing program or not, this focus will permeate your journey through this cutting-edge wellness destination.

Before sharing Dr. Mera’s invaluable insights with you, we feel it’s crucial to emphasize SHA Wellness Clinic’s caring, guilt-free approach to ageing. Far from the diktats of youthismDr. Mera begins our interview by reaffirming that the fact of aging is a processAnd when you think about it, it seems so true: the more you have the opportunity to grow old, the more it actually means that you have the chance to live a long life. The challenge is to slow down the aging process so that we can live better, without suffering and in full possession of our means. This resonates with the World Health Organization’s definition: “Healthy aging is about creating the environments and opportunities that enable people to live long and healthy lives, and to do the things they enjoy throughout their lives”.

Let’s take charge of our aging!

Aging well calls into question a certain determinism, and appears as a self-choice to be made for the future. It’s up to each and every one of us to plan our health, just as we do in our professional lives, or for our leisure activities and vacations.

How do we plan for aging, and more specifically, how do we make the most of our chances? Doctor Mera sheds some light.

Planning for longevity (Photo Unsplash)

In his work with patients, Dr. Mera seeks to recreate harmony in the face of the imbalances associated with aging. Far from demonizing it, he understands its inner workings and helps his patients to tame it and come to terms with it.

How to prevent it? Doctor Mera bases his demonstration on the pillars of health, in particular:

  • la prima donna: healthy, varied nutrition with a focus on quality and quantity
  • regular physical exercise, with both cardiovascular activities (swimming, running, cycling, etc.) and muscular activities to keep muscles active and prevent falls. Physical activity reduces the risk of mortality by 20%.
  • optimized stress management, as stress accelerates our ageing process. To do this, we need to determine the levels of stress we can cope with, and implement anxiety management techniques such as breathing exercises, stretching and meditation.
  • quality sleep
  • good digestion

Dr. Mera’s treatment begins with a diagnostic and assessment phase, after which he works with the patient to draw up an action plan for the next ten years. Because the aging process changes every ten years (in terms of interests, personality…), as does the protocol put in place to deal with the problems associated with each stage.

Orchestrating aging step by step (Photo: Unsplash)

When it comes to aging well, the notion of anticipation is never far away. From what age? or when does it make sense to start thinking healthy-ageing? The answer will vary according to gender. Menopause is a structural moment in a woman’s life, between the ages of 45 for women and 55 for men. However, Dr. Mera confides that it’s a good idea to be aware of this as soon as the turning point occurs, between the ages of 35 and 45. Two key words: regularity and discipline.

Hormones play a key role. Dr. Mera is the pioneer ofbio-identical hormone therapy. This technique provides the body with the right hormonal combination to match its deficiencies. After an in-depth family history phase to determine risks, a customized gel is developed and administered transdermally to the areas with the most fat (abdominal belt in men and hips in women). Regular checks will be carried out to ensure that the concentration released remains ideal and appropriate. Diet is also key, which is why SHA’s nutritional approach is a fundamental pillar of every wellness package, whatever the problem identified.

The power of food and super ingredients

Dr. Mera takes a nuanced view, however, and considers both the genetic and cultural factors, illustrating this with what he calls the “French Paradox”: lovers of cheese, butter and dairy products, our cholesterol is not necessarily the highest in comparison with other countries around the globe.

The specialist draws our attention to the three types of food:

  • those who give us energy
  • those that bring us pleasure and act as a vehicle for socialization
  • Superfoods: beyond vitality, they have that little something extra that makes all the difference: rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

Like the supple miso, the ritual of your stay at the SHA Wellness Clinic: it’s rich in probiotics, increases the capacity to eliminate toxins and reduces appetite. In a way, it’s the magic potion of a wellness stay.

Dr. Mera is convinced that we will continue to progress, that scientific advances will enable us to gain longevity, but he is also aware and respectful of our limits.

Healthy-ageing package from Sha Wellness Clinic

One of our most emblematic programs, it is available in two formats: 7 or 14 days. This package meets the following objectives:

-optimizehealth by delaying and mitigating the effects of aging

-Determinebiological age on the basis of oxidative stress levels and other indicators obtained from clinical and diagnostic analyses.

-studydifferences with chronological age and factors having a negative impact on quality of life

-acquirenew healthy habits to optimize overall health and well-being

Personalized telomere analysis (Photo: Sha Wellness Clinic)

This program brings together experts in anti-aging, dermato-aesthetic, regenerative and revitalizing medicine, as well as cognitive stimulation methods.

The 7-day format is priced at 8,800 euros and 14,300 euros for the 14-day program (accommodation is an additional cost). They include the following components:

– clinical analyses

– laboratory tests

– medical consultations

– medical treatments

– dietary supplements and personalized Sha full board (following your meeting with the nutritionist)

– natural therapies

– well-being

– mind & body techniques

– physical performance

– healthy living academy

And gender-specific treatments:

  • For women, these include a gynecology consultation, gynecological ultrasound, cytology, an emotional management session, a TIAI session for perineal health, anti-cellulite impact therapies…
  • For men, a urology consultation, a urological and liver ultrasound, a stress management session, physiotherapy, osteopathy and cryotherapy.

The 14-day format is denser and includes additional treatments, in particular: sports massage with impact therapy (men), a Firm & Tight body treatment (women) and the Bespoke Sha cure.

Extract from our interview with Dr V.Mera

Book SHA Wellness Clinic (with exclusive benefits)

Rates: a minimum of 6,000-7,000 euros for a single person for a week, around 11,000-12,000 euros for a couple. We recommend booking a few weeks in advance, as the establishment is often fully booked.

Exclusive benefits for Luxe Wellness Club guests staying a minimum of 7 nights:

  • free room upgrade subject to availability
  • one 50-minute massage per person
  • possibility of arriving earlier and leaving later than the official check-in/check-out time.

Benefit from our expertise for this establishment and our advice on how to book a stay at SHA Wellness Clinic :

Call us on+ 33 1 85 73 22 14 to discuss your holiday plans, or +41 22 501 75 16 from Switzerland.

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