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A new digestive health program at SHA Wellness Clinic

Nutrition, and therefore digestion, is an important part of the quest for well-being, and central to the concept and success of the Sha Wellness Clinic. This luxury medi-spa, one of our favorites (see our article We tested it for you), has just opened a new digestive health unit in February 2021, to pamper your intestines ! A very interesting option to complement a detox cure .

The new “Gut Health Focus Pack” is an option to add to the Detox program, with a series of consultations, diagnostic tests, treatments and dietary supplements to help treat digestive problems.

The aim of this targeted pack is to restore balance and proper functioning to the digestive system, by improving the state of the intestinal microbiota and the immune system.

A detailed diagnosis of the current state of health is carried out, in addition to the application of treatments.
aimed at detoxifying and repairing the intestinal mucosa in order to perform
a complete cleansing of the body, improve tolerance to certain foods and optimize the individual’s
general health and quality of life

Detox objectives

– Eliminate toxins accumulated in the liver and digestive system as a result of unhealthy eating habits and external pollutants.

– Determine the level of oxidative stress in the body, and take steps to counter it.

– Acquire new healthy eating habits to optimize natural detoxification mechanisms.

Recommended for :

– People with inappropriate habits, such as excessive consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, medication and/or poor diet, among others.

– People exposed to high levels of stress and pollution.

– People whose reduced physical capacity does not allow for adequate detoxification of the body.

This concerns more than a third of the population!

A marvel for the taste buds and the microbiome (Photo: SHA Wellness Clinic)

Methodology of the detox cure at SHA Wellness Clinic

Detoxification of the body under the supervision and guidance of our team of professionals using the following measures:

– Personalized food and health plans.

– Natural therapies, medical care and adapted supplements to promote the elimination of toxins and reinforce natural detoxification mechanisms.

– Recommendations on lifestyle habits to adopt, with activities to help integrate new healthy habits.

Slimming treatments (Photo: SHA Wellness Clinic)

Digestive health care

The treatments in this new health pack include :

  • Determining the digestive profile
  • Intestinal dysbiosis tests
  • Colon ozone therapy sessions
  • Specific L-glutamine supplementation
  • Sensitivity analysis to 220 foods
  • Serotherapy sessions
  • Visceral osteopathy sessions
  • Elipse nutrigenomic analysis

Book (with exclusive Luxe Wellness Club benefit)

Rates: From 350 euros per night for accommodation + program costs. Allow at least 4,000 euros per person for a week.

Exclusive benefit for Luxe Wellness Club customers: a free 50-minute massage on arrival for stays of 7 nights or more.

Take advantage of our expertise and advice to book a stay at SHA Wellness Clinic :

or call us on+ 33 1 85 73 22 14to discuss your travel plans, or +41 22 501 75 16 from Switzerland.

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